The Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI) actively engages issues related to open social scholarship, creating and sharing research and research technologies in ways that are accessible and significant to a broad audience that includes specialists and active non-specialists. C-SKI’s activities include awareness raising, knowledge mobilization, training, public engagement, scholarly communication, and pertinent research and development on local, national, and international levels.

C-SKI is located in the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab at the UVic Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons. Originating in 2015, it is also the coordinating body for the work of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership, the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL), and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI).


C-SKI’s partners, through INKE, include: Advanced Research Consortium, Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing, Canadian Research Knowledge Network, Compute Canada, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory, Digital Humanities Research Group at Western Sydney U, Edith Cowan U, Érudit, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Iter: Gateway to the Renaissance, J.E. Halliwell Associates, Public Knowledge Project, Simon Fraser U Library, U Victoria Libraries, and Voyant Tools, among others.

Open Scholarship Awards

Open scholarship incorporates open access, open data, open education, and other related movements that have the potential to make scholarly work more efficient, more accessible, and more usable by those within and beyond the academy. By engaging with open practices for academic work, open scholarship shares that work more broadly and more publicly.

Open Scholarship Award recipients demonstrate exemplary open scholarship via research, projects, or initiatives. These awards are intended to acknowledge and celebrate exemplary open scholarship, nominated via an open process. In addition to the recognition of accomplishment that comes with such acknowledgement, C-SKI will also offer one tuition scholarship for each recipient to the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI;

For more information, please see

Open Scholarship Award Winners

Emerging Open Scholarship Award Winners

Research Foundations

Please see the following resources for C-SKI’s research foundations:

Arbuckle, Alyssa, Nina Belojevic, Tracey El Hajj, Randa El Khatib, Lindsey Seatter, and Raymond G. Siemens, with Alex Christie, Matthew Hiebert, Jon Saklofske, Jentery Sayers, Derek Siemens, Shaun Wong, and the INKE and ETCL Research Groups. 2017. “An Annotated Bibliography of Social Knowledge Creation.” In Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities: Volume I, edited by Alyssa Arbuckle, Aaron Mauro, and Daniel Powell, 29-264. Arizona: Iter Academic Press and Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

El Khatib, Randa, Lindsey Seatter, Tracey El Hajj, Conrad Leibel, Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens, Caroline Winter, and the INKE and ETCL Research Groups. 2019. “Open Social Scholarship Annotated Bibliography.” KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies 3(1): n.p. DOI:

INKE Partnership select list of publications:


Connect with us on Twitter at @INKEProject, @ETCLatUVic, or @DHinstitute, drop us a line at, or give us a ring at +1 250-472-5401.

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